LSI está vindo para o Brasil!
Programação de Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores

Missão: Participe de uma empolgante oportunidade de desenvolvimento profissional apresentada pelos Educadores Globais do Limitless Space Institute, patrocinada pela IHS Towers, em parceria com a Agência Espacial Brasileira. Educadores brasileiros, que estão na metade de sua experiência imersiva de um ano com o Limitless Space Institute, compartilharão lições práticas e recursos que aprenderam no programa. Esses recursos podem ser levados para a sua sala de aula, a fim de inspirar a futura força de trabalho nas áreas STEM, que englobam Ciências, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática. Os primeiros 60 professores inscritos poderão participar deste workshop gratuito de um dia, almoço incluso. Não perca esta chance de enriquecer seu conjunto de ferramentas de ensino. Inscreva-se hoje!
Data: quinta-feira, 29 de agosto
Horário: 8h30 – 16h
Almoço incluído
Localização: CVT-Espacial Augusto Severo
Quem pode candidatar-se: Professores do ensino básico ou secundário que ensinam Ciências, Tecnologia, Engenharia, ou Matemática
Custo: Gratuito!
Clique no botão abaixo para se cadastrar.
We are excited to offer a wide range of hands-on STEM learning experiences or scientific presentations for your organization! Submit an inquiry for review and pricing.
Educator Professional Development
- ½ day, full day, or multi-day workshops
- Virtual or in-person
- United States and international options
Scientific Presentations
LSI is happy to review inquiries for science topics related to space technologies and power and propulsion systems. Presentations are not guaranteed and is based on the availability of staff.
- K-12 Schools/Educators
- University
- General public
- Scientific Community
Community Events
Have a STEM event in your area? Submit an inquiry to see if a Limitless Educator or Limitless Education can help support!
It is our goal to inspire and educate the next generation to travel beyond our solar system and support the research and development of enabling technologies. The mission of the Limitless Educator Program is to inspire innovative educators to teach beyond the general curriculum. Limitless Educators engage in unique virtual guest speaker opportunities from scientists conducting research in the realm of advanced power and propulsion systems. We also offer our educators the opportunity to attend the Limitless Space Educator Institute, which immerses participants in extraordinary professional development experiences and gives these rock star teachers the time to work together to design new and innovative lesson plans tied to interstellar exploration. We are thrilled with the cohort of Limitless educators from around the world who have integrity, an out-of-this-world imagination, and the courage to try new things in the classroom!
Meet the 2023 class of Limitless Educators!

Limitless Educator Induction Ceremony Gallery

The Limitless Education Lab Booster is designed to help Educators and educational organizations, both in the United States and internationally, acquire additional resources to support student learning in STEM. Educators that are recipients of a Lab Booster grant clearly communicate their pursuit of innovative methods that will inspire and educate the next generation of explorers. The Limitless Space Institute will designate Stage I Lab Booster awards that can range from $500 to $5000 depending on the need and scope of the proposal.
Lab Booster Checklist
- Must submit a completed Lab Booster Application via the button below
- Must download a budget workbook file via the “Budget” button below
- The budget file must be filled in completely and signed off by an administrator
The budget file must then be emailed to kaci@limitlessspace.org
Congratulations to our 2022 Limitless Lab Booster recipients!

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Innovative STEM lesson plans tied to space exploration are important because they foster curiosity and creativity in learners while also providing them with opportunities to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills. These lesson plans encourage students to explore different aspects of advanced power and propulsion systems for interstellar space travel through hands-on learning experiences and real-world applications.
By teaching students about space exploration, educators can also help them understand the wider implications of science and engineering, such as sustainability, global cooperation, and innovation. Ultimately, innovative STEM lesson plans tied to space exploration can inspire and prepare the next generation of scientists and explorers, allowing them to contribute to the development of new technologies and breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe.
All our Limitless Lessons are designed for teachers by teachers. Each lesson plan includes a powerpoint presentation for the activity, a detailed description for teacher background information, a student packet, and alignment to NGSS standards. Teachers are encouraged to edit the slides and lessons as they see fit to meet the needs of their students. It is our intent to grow our library of interstellar offerings as the program grows so we are open to suggestions for lesson topics and feedback to make the lessons better after you have implemented them with students.
Have fun exploring!
Solar Sail Engineering Design Challenge
- Newton’s Laws
- Engineering
- Budget Management
- Measurement
Communication & Teambuilding Challenges
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Problem-solving
Asteroid Scouting Mission – Coming soon!
- Magnetism
- Mission Planning
- Budget Management
Thank you
to our program sponsors

About IHS Towers:
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